
By using our Services and Platform, you acknowledge and agree to our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Risk Disclaimer, Sustainable Finance and Investor Accreditation terms and statements. Your continued use of our Services and Platform after we revise these Terms means you accept any changes we make, please check back periodically this page for updates.

General Information

This website (the "Kapital Platform" or "Platform") is operated by KAPITAL Luxembourg Ltd. (autorisation d'établissement N° 10171279 / 0), a subsidiary of the HackGroup SA with main office in Luxembourg. HackVentures Sàrl, an affiliate of the HackGroup SA with main office in Switzerland provides Financial Advisory Services under the Swiss Financial Service Act. HackCapital Sàrl with main office in Luxembourg provides issuer services under the Securitisation Act 2004 & the Fiduciary Act 2003. KAPITAL is a registered trademark of the HackGroup SA.

Contact Information

HackVentures Sàrl
World Trade Center,
1018 Lausanne, Switzerland

KAPITAL Luxembourg Sàrl
2 Rue Plaetis
L-2338 Luxembourg

Phone: +41 (0) 78 764 55 46

  • Management Board: Camille Bossel, Arman Anatürk, Emilie Dellecker
  • Independant Board: Vincent Oswald, James Fehily, Stephen McKenna
  • Registered Financial Advisor (Switzerland): Arman Anatürk
  • Data Controller (Luxembourg): Camille Bossel
  • Luxembourg Business License holder: Arman Anatürk

Appointed Platform Administrator: ALTUM Luxembourg S.A. ("ALTUM")
a registered PSF SP in Luxembourg with CSSF identification code: P00000504

Notice on dispute resolution:

Pursuant to our obligation to inform you under the Regulation No 524/2013 on Online Dispute Resolution for consumer disputes, you may access the platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution under the following link :